
  • Actionable impact management - eBook series

    This series, published by SoPact, the Melbourne Business School & Asia Pacific Social Impact Centre, covers four topics: Theory of Change and Groundwork, Social Impact Metrics, Data Strategy, Reports and Storytelling.
  • EvalPartners website

    The EvalPartners website is both a source of knowledge about monitoring and evaluation practices and a network to connect practitioners from around the world.
  • Managing for impact in rural development, a guide for project M&E, section 2: Using M&E to manage for impact

    This resource published by IFAD discusses how monitoring and evaluation can be used to manage projects to maximise their impact, in this case on poverty reduction.
  • Open space world

    Open Space World is a global community resource supporting the use of the Open Space method by which groups of any size can create effective meetings and events.
  • Internet questionnaire

    An internet questionnaire allows the collection of data through an electronic set of questions that are posted on the web. 