
  • Evaluation executive summaries & reports

    This blog by Stephanie Evergreen curates a number of examples of engaging executive summaries and evaluation reports. The focus is on highlighting effective visual design of these reporting formats.
  • Measuring what matters (a thinking tool)

    Measuring what matters is a decision-support tool. It helps users select data collection methods based on:
  • Blue Marble Evaluation

    Blue Marble Evaluation is a global initiative focused on training the next generation of evaluators to Think Globally, Act Globally and Evaluate Globally. 
  • 52 weeks of BetterEvaluation: Week 23: Tips for delivering negative results

  • Checklist for straightforward evaluation reports

    This checklist by Kelly N. Robertson and Lori Wingate provides suggestions for the content and organization of long-form evaluation reports that are concise, easy to understand, and easy to navigate.
  • Decision making matrix - Word template

    A decision making matrix can be useful to summarise decision makers and types of decisions in a matrix which can be referred to when developing and implementing evaluation processes.
  • Household vulnerability and resilience to economic shocks

    This project into Household Vulnerability and Resilience to Economic Shocks, a collaboration between RMIT University, Oxfam Australia, Deakin University and the University of the South Pacific, gives a good example of the way tha
  • What makes a popular science video on YouTube

    This article by Dustin Welbourne and Will J Grant in The Conversation discusses ways to make a video about science popular and effective in its communication, highlighting a number of key features that are demonstrated through embedded exam
  • Week 15: Fitting reporting methods to evaluation findings – and audiences

    This week we're sharing some ideas from Rakesh Mohan on ways of making evaluation reports more interesting. 
  • In search of Blue Marble Evaluators

    ​You can't see the Earth as a globe unless you get at least twenty thousand miles away from it.  On December 7, 1972, the first photograph was taken of the whole Earth from space.  That photo became known
  • Infographics

    An infographic (short for 'information graphic') represents data visually so that the information is able to be quickly and easily understood.
  • Formal meeting processes

    Studies have demonstrated that attendance at meetings and conferences, planning discussions within the project related to use of the program evaluation, and participation in data collection foster feelings of evaluation involvement among st
  • Graphic recording

    Graphic recording is the translation of conversations into images and text on large sheets of paper during meetings and events.
  • Reporting style guide template

    This style guide template is designed to ensure consistency in formatting across various project documents, including evaluation plans, reports, and presentations.
  • A short primer on innovative evaluation reporting

    This book by Kylie Hutchinson presents a number of innovative ways of reporting, including different methods for presentations, narrative summaries, presenting findings visually and making use of digital outputs.