
  • Evaluation of the stronger families and communities strategy - Qualitative cost benefit analysis

    This paper has been developed as part of the evaluation of the Australian Government’s Stronger Families and Communities Strategy 2000-2004 (the Strategy).
  • Collecting data on sensitive issues

      Image: Polling Booths, by PetroleumJelliffe on Flickr
  • Transportation benefit-cost analysis

    This website, written in the context of transportation policy, is of use to any investigator looking for step-by-step guidance on the cost-benefit analysis process.
  • Mentoring

    Mentoring is a process where people are able to share their professional and personal experiences in order to support their development and growth in all spheres of life.
  • Polling booth

    Polling booth is a data collection methodology used to obtain sensitive information from participants.
  • Mentoring matters

    This Primary Health Care Research & Information Service webpage provides an overview of the importance and benefits of a good mentoring program.
  • Mentoring made easy

    This guide from the NSW Premier's Office outlines the process and advantages of setting up a formal mentoring program in the workplace.
  • Mentoring for the new millennium

    This article outlines the rationale behind mentoring and argues that developing a formal mentoring program will lead to the development of a learning organisation.
  • A question of worth: Cost analysis in evaluation

    This presentation from the World Health Organization analyses the different methods of cost analysis including cost-benefit analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis.