
  • Four steps: Social Network Analysis

    A slideshow presentation demonstrating the use of Node XL to do a social network analysis of data from twitter.
  • Hierarchical card sorting: A tool for qualitative research

    This paper by Rick Davies from the Centre for Development Studies describes the use of hierarchical card sorting as a way to elicit the views of development sector staff to gain an understanding of their perceptions of the world around
  • Hierarchical card sorting

    Hierarchical card sorting (HCS) is a participatory card sorting method designed to provide insight into how people categorise and rank different phenomena.
  • Beneficiary assessment: An approach described

    This paper describes the World Bank's approach to the Beneficiary Assessment approach.
  • Beneficiary feedback in evaluation

    The purpose of this paper, produced by the Department for International Development (DFID), is to analyse current practice of beneficiary feedback in evaluation and to stimulate further thinking and activity in this area.