
  • EvalPartners website

    The EvalPartners website is both a source of knowledge about monitoring and evaluation practices and a network to connect practitioners from around the world.
  • Contemporary thinking about causation in evaluation

    This paper was produced following a discussion between Thomas Cook and Michael Scriven held at The Evaluation Center and Western Michigan University’s Interdisciplinary PhD in Evaluation program jointly hosted Evaluation Cafe´ event on
  • The environment and disease: Association or causation?

    In this original article from 1965, Sir Austin Bradford Hill, Professor Emeritus of Medical Statistics, lays out what will ultimately come to be known as the Bradford Hill criteria.
  • Open space world

    Open Space World is a global community resource supporting the use of the Open Space method by which groups of any size can create effective meetings and events.
  • Guidance on M&E for civil society programs

    This guide from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT, formerly AusAID) is aimed at program managers who have responsibility for