
  • Coolors

    Coolors is a colour palette generator.
  • RQ+ Research Quality Plus. A Holistic Approach to Evaluating Research

    This report describes a holistic approach and assessment framework for evaluating 'research' that goes beyond the traditional deliberative means (e.g., peer review) and often used analytics (e.g., bibliometrics).
  • UNICEF: Statistics and Monitoring

    In collaboration with a wide range of partners, UNICEF gathers evidence on the situation of children and women around the world.
  • WISE: Web Interface for Statistics Education

    WISE's website organises a large amount of statistics resources available on the web into one central place.
  • Excel for evaluation

    This website, created by Ann Emery, provides a series of short videos on using Microsoft Excel to analyze data.
  • The analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)

    This slide show provides an overview of this option and lists the advantages and disadvantages of its use. There are also a number of examples of covariance and linear regression equations. 
  • Action and reflection: a guide for monitoring and evaluating participatory research

    This paper from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) was designed to support those involved in participatory research and development projects with monitoring and evaluation strat
  • Paletton

    Paletton (formerly Color Scheme Designer) is an application which enables you to design a colour scheme for your documents and presentation and then check it against an accessibility tool to ensure your colour scheme is accessible for those
  • Developing a research agenda for impact evaluation

    Impact evaluation, like many areas of evaluation, is under-researched. Doing systematic research about evaluation takes considerable resources, and is often constrained by the availability of information about evaluation practice.
  • L’évaluation en contexte de développement

    Ce manuel est destiné aux personnes souhaitant s’initier à l’évaluation de programmes, en particulier en contexte de développement et de coopération internationale. À cet égard, tout en déroulant le fil d’une démarche évaluative classique, il présente…
  • Assessing the impact of research on policy

    The authors of this review analyse various evaluation methods (including ethnographic and quantitative approaches, focus groups, process tracing, and network mapping and analysis) to find out which ones are the most suitable to evaluate the
  • Descriptive and multivariate statistics

    In this chapter from Exploring Crime Analysis Readings on Essential Skills, the key principles of descriptive and multivariate statistics are demonstrated so as to provide practitioners with the basic
  • Monitoring the composition and evolution of the research networks of the CGIAR research program on roots, tubers and bananas (RTB)

    This Brief provides an example of how Social Network Analysis (SNA) can be used, in the context of agricultural research.
  • Who counts? The power of participatory statistics

    This workshop by Jeremy Holland for the Institute of Development Studies was streamed live on May 1st, 2014.
  • Frequency distribution tables

    This webpage from Statistics Canada demonstrates how to construct four different types of frequency distribution tables. Each example comes with clear instructions and a detailed example of the final product.