
156 results

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  • Do health improvement programmes fit with MRC guidance on evaluating complex interventions?

    This article, authored by MacKenzie, O'Donnell,  Halliday, E.
  • What scientific idea is ready for retirement: Large randomized controlled trials

    This comment, written by Dean Ornish and published on the blog What scientific idea is ready for retirement, argues that larger studies do not always equate to more rigorous or definitive re
  • IDEAS book launch: Randomized control trials in the field of development, a critical perspective [Webinar]

    This webinar to launch the book Randomized Control Trials in the Field of Development: A Critical Perspective brings together five representatives of the book's editors and authors for a discussion around some of the key
  • Contemporary thinking about causation in evaluation

    This paper was produced following a discussion between Thomas Cook and Michael Scriven held at The Evaluation Center and Western Michigan University’s Interdisciplinary PhD in Evaluation program jointly hosted Evaluation Cafe´ event on
  • Do labor market policies have displacement effects? Evidence from a clustered randomized experiment

    This resource reports the results from a randomized experiment intended to evaluation the direct and indirect (displacement) impacts of job placement assistance on the labor market outcomes of young, educated job seekers in France.
  • 52 weeks of BetterEvaluation: Week 47: using video to communicate evaluation findings

    In the last in our series of blogs on using video in evaluation, Glenn O'Neil joins us to discuss how you can use video to communicate your evaluation findings.
  • Week 47: Rumination #3: Fools' gold: the widely touted methodological "gold standard" is neither golden nor a standard

    This week's post is an abbreviated version of a "rumination" from the
  • 7 Strategies to improve evaluation use and influence - Part 1

    What can be done to support the use of evaluation? How can evaluators, evaluation managers and others involved in or affected by evaluations support the constructive use of findings and evaluation processes?  
  • Conditions to consider in the use of randomized experimental designs in evaluation

    This paper, written by George Julnes, University of New Mexico, Melvin M. Mark, Penn State University, and Stephanie Shipman, U.S.
  • Randomised control trials for the impact evaluation of development initiatives: a statistician's point of view

    This paper from the Institutional Learning and Change (ILAC) Initiative provides a range of technical and practical reflections on the use of randomised control trials in impact evaluation.
  • Introduction to randomized control trials

    This video lecture given by Dr Annette Brown for the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) describes how to create a valid counterfactual using randomize
  • Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) video guide

    This video guide, produced by UNICEF, summarises the key features of RCTs with a particular emphasis on their use in impact evaluation.
  • Randomized controlled trials (RCTs)

    This guide, written by Howard White, Shagun Sabarwal and Thomas de Hoop for UNICEF, looks at the use of Randomized Control Trials (RCTs) in Impact Evaluation.
  • UNICEF webinar: Randomized controlled trials

    What are the key features of an RCT? Are RCTs really the gold standard? What ethical and practical issues do I need to consider before deciding to do an RCT?
  • 6: Sample size and power calculations

    This presentation explores methods for identifying the right sample size for randomized evaluations so that results are defendable.
  • Multiple lines and levels of evidence

    Multiple lines and levels of evidence (MLLE) is a systematic approach to causal inference that involves bringing together different types of evidence (lines of evidence) and considering the strength of the evidence in terms of different ind
  • Journals and logs

    Journals and logs are forms of record-keeping tools that can be used to capture information about activities, results, conditions, or personal perspectives on how change occurred over a period of time.
  • Integrity

    Integrity refers to ensuring honesty, transparency, and adherence to ethical behaviour by all those involved in the evaluation process.
  • Cultural competency

    Cultural competency involves ensuring that evaluators have the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary to work respectfully and safely in cultural contexts different from their own.
  • Feasibility

    Feasibility refers to ensuring that an evaluation can be realistically and effectively implemented, considering factors such as practicality, resource use, and responsiveness to the programme's context, including factors such as culture and
  • Inclusion of diverse perspectives

    Inclusion of diverse perspectives requires attention to ensure that marginalised people and communities are adequately engaged in the evaluation.
  • Independence

    Independence can include organisational independence, where an evaluator or evaluation team can independently set a work plan and finalise reports without undue interference, and behavioural independence, where evaluators can conduct and re
  • Evaluation accountability

    Evaluation accountability relates to processes in place to ensure the evaluation is carried out transparently and to a high-quality standard.
  • Transferability

    Transferability involves presenting findings in a way that they can be applied in other contexts or settings, considering the local culture and context to enhance the utility and reach of evaluation insights.
  • Utility

    Utility standards are intended to increase the extent to which program stakeholders find evaluation processes and products valuable in meeting their needs.
  • Professionalism

    Professionalism within evaluation is largely understood in terms of high levels of competence and ethical practice.
  • Propriety

    Propriety refers to ensuring that an evaluation will be conducted legally, ethically, and with due regard for the welfare of those involved in it and those affected by its results.
  • Systematic inquiry

    Systematic inquiry involves thorough, methodical, contextually relevant and empirical inquiry into evaluation questions. Systematic inquiry is one of the guiding principles of the American Evaluation Association:
  • Transparency

    Transparency refers to the evaluation processes and conclusions being able to be scrutinised.
  • Ethical practice

    Ethical practice in evaluation can be understood in terms of designing and conducting an evaluation to minimise any potential for harm and to maximise the value of the evaluation.
  • Accuracy

    Accuracy refers to the correctness of the evidence and conclusions in an evaluation. It may have an implication of precision.
  • Accessibility

    Accessibility of evaluation products includes consideration of the format and access options for reports, including plain language, inclusive print design, material in multiple languages, and material in alternative formats (such as online,