
  • Theory of change thinking in practice - A stepwise approach

    This guide builds on work of HIVOS' experimentation with and learning about Theory of Change (ToC), including the work of its Theory of Change Learning Group (established 2010).
  • The hidden life of theories of change

    One common criticism of Theory of Change is that it is often used as a framework that fixes agreements rather than as a living, guiding tool that helps reflection and adaptation.
  • The logical framework approach

    This publication is part of a series of guidelines developed by AusAid in relation to activities design.
  • Overview: Strategies for causal attribution

    This guide, written by Patricia Rogers for UNICEF, looks at the process of causal attribution with a particular emphasis on its use in impact evaluation.
  • Présentation des stratégies d'attribution causale

    L’un des éléments essentiels d’une évaluation d’impact est qu’il ne s’agit pas seulement de mesurer ou de décrire les changements survenus, mais également de comprendre le rôle joué par certaines interventions particulières (programmes ou p
  • Sinopsis: estrategias de atribución causal

    Uno de los aspectos esenciales de una evaluación de impacto es que no solo mide o describe cambios que han ocurrido, sino que también procura entender la función de determinadas intervenciones (es decir, programas o políticas) en la generac