15 results
Filter search resultsUtilisation-focused evaluation (U-FE) checklist
Composed by Michael Quinn Patton in 2002 and updated in 2013, this is a comprehensive checklist for undertaking a utilisation-focused evaluation.ResourceReporting and supporting evaluation use and influence: Tips from evaluators
Evaluation use is a key issue for the evaluation community. The aim of evaluation is to be influential, so it should be of use to policymakers, programme developers, project planners and managers.BlogHow evaluation embraces and enriches adaptation: A UFE approach
In this guest blog, Sonal Zaveri (with input from the DECI team) discusses why aBlogWriting for utilisation
Evaluators need to communicate better and foster the utilisation of evaluation findings through clear and engaging writing.BlogProcess use of evaluations: Types of use that precede lessons learned and feedback
This article by Forss, Rebien and Carlsson looks at the utilization or process use of evaluations which needs to occur before the lessons learned and recommendations are formulated.ResourceIdentifying the intended user(s) and use(s) of an evaluation
This guideline from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) highlights the importance of identifying the primary intended user(s) and the intended use(s) of an evaluation.ResourceMaking evaluations matter: A practical guide for evaluators
This guide, written by Cecile Kusters with Simone van Vugt, Seerp Wigboldus, Bob Williams and Jim Woodhill for the Centre for Development Innovation, presents a framework for planning and managing an evaluation with a focus oResourceUtilization-focused evaluation: A primer for evaluators
If you are new to utilisation-focused evaluation (UFE), this primer allows you to grasp the essentials of the approach, and the benefits as experienced by both commissioners and grantees alike.ResourceÉvaluation axée sur l’utilisation
"L ’Évaluation axée sur l’utilisation (l’ÉAU) facilite un processus d’apprentissage dans lequel les personnes dans le vrai monde appliquent les conclusions et les expériences d’évaluation à leur travail.ResourceLas Evaluaciones Orientadas al Uso
"Esta Guía se destina a evaluadores que han oído hablar de las EOU, y que están interesados en probar el uso del enfoque.ResourceLa prise de décisions fondées sur l’évaluation et la communication: Un guide pour les praticiens
Conçu à l’intention des évaluateurs, des planificateurs de la communication et des responsables de la mise en œuvre de projets intéressés par le renforcement des capacités, ce guide combine la conception de l’évaluation axée sur l’utilisatiResourceLa toma de decisiones basada en la evaluación y la comunicación: Guía para profesionales
Diseñado para evaluadores, planificadores de la comunicación y ejecutores de proyectos interesados en el desarrollo de la capacidad, este manual combina el diseño de las evaluaciones orientadas al uso (EOU) con la planificación de la comuniResourceEvaluation and communication decision-making: A practitioner's guide
Designed for evaluators, communication planners, and project implementers interested in capacity development, this primer combines utilization-focused evaluation (UFE) design with communication planning.ResourceProjects assuming responsibility over evaluation: Test-driving utilisation focused evaluation
This presentation from Developing Evaluation Capacity in ICT4D (DECI) outlines the objectives of the project and their use ofResourceDeveloping evaluation and communication capacity for impact and adaptive management (DECI-AM website)
The DECI-AM "Developing Evaluation and Communication Capacity for Impact and Adaptive Management" website contains evaluation and research communication mentoring tools, articles and case studies.Resource