This article, written by Emotional Intelligence Coach Andy Smith, describes the anticipatory principle which is one of the underpinnings of Appreciative Inquiry (AI). It argues that it is easier and more effective to move towards a positive imagined future than away from a negative one. It is principle number 4 in a series of principles outlined. More principle are listed below.
Other blog posts by Andy Smith, on the original AI principles as defined by David Cooperrider
the Constructionist Principle - the need to read, understand and analyse organizations as living, human constructions.
the Simultaneity Principle - recognising that inquiry and change are not separate moments - that collecting data is simultaneously an intervention
the Poetic Principle - the value of different interpretations of events and narratives
the Positive Principle - the need for positive emotion for improved performance
the Wholeness Principle - the need to have 'the whole system' in the room - or at least someone representing each group of stakeholders
Smith, A. (2010) Appreciative Inquiry principles. Coaching Leaders Website. Retrieved from:
'Appreciative inquiry principles: the anticipatory principle' is referenced in: