Assessing the impact of agricultural research on poverty using the sustainable livelihoods framework

This paper reports on the approach used in a multicountry study of the poverty impact of research programs under the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).

Drawing on these studies it provides an overview of the sustainable livelihoods approach and  highlighting the multilayered interactions between technologies and the vulnerability context of households, their asset base, intervening institutions, and livelihood strategies. 


2.“Sustainable Livelihoods Approaches” and the Sustainable Livelihoods Conceptual Framework
Livelihoods Approaches The Sustainable Livelihoods Framework
3. Applying the Framework to the Impact of Agricultural Research
4. Overcoming Limitations of the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework
5. Research Methods
6. Conclusions


Adato M. & Meinzen-Dick R. (2002) Assessing the Impact of Agricultural Research on Poverty using the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington.  Retrieved from: