Cases in outcome harvesting

This report from The World Bank documents the pilot of a program that examines the use of outcome harvesting and the Bank's results management approach to understand how change happens in complex environments.

Two to five years of program results were analysed from 10 ongoing initiatives during this pilot program.


"Outcome harvesting offers innovative, participatory tools to understand and document how change happens in complex development programs that involve multiple social actors, areas of new learning and profound development challenges.

Understanding and interpreting outcomes is important to improve results for development programs—it can facilitate strategic, systematic knowledge sharing and management; provide information that can be combined with other sources to review results within a task team and with clients and partners; and supply new evidence on implementation, outcomes, and indicators to inform program development.

In these pilot experiences, teams applied outcome harvesting tools in 10 ongoing initiatives in strategic thematic areas. The process encouraged dialogue among the teams and clients and answered learning questions to maximize the benefits of the interventions, institutional sustainability of results, and involvement of the right mix of actors." (The World Bank, 2014)


  • Leadership for results: developing capacity and delivering results toward public sector reform in Burundi
  • Implementing reform initiatives in solid Waste Management in Bosnia
  • Improving Governance in pharmaceutical procurement and supply chain Management in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda
  • Strengthening parliamentary oversight of national budgets in Africa
  • Priority setting and constitutional mandates in health
  • Improving open contracting processes at the country and global level
  • Strengthening the capacities of local governments in South East Europe
  • Strengthening implementation of legislation on access to information across Latin America
  • Scaling up capacity development of city officials and practitioners across china through eLearning
  • Improving social accountability in the Philippines education sector


The World Bank (2014). Cases in Outcome Harvesting: Ten pilot experiences identify new learning from multi-stakeholder projects to improve results. Retrieved from:

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