Community health worker evaluation tool kit

The Tool Kit was developed to be a practical and useful guide to program evaluation for CHWs and CHW programs. 

It concentrates on results and focuses on developing an evaluation plan and choosing appropriate measurements and evaluation tools for a CHW program.  One of the main purposes is to make evaluation a simple and empowering experience for everyone.


Section one provides 21 evaluation principles to guide CHW program staff as they begin to work together to learn about evaluation and participate in the evaluation process.  

Section two offers a logic model development guide to bring planning, evaluation and action together.   The basic components of a program logic model are linked casually from resources, activities, outputs, and outcomes to impact.  

Section three contains the CHW evaluation framework, tools and evaluation forms that have been successfully used by CHW programs as well as a directory of programs whose tools are included.  In total there are 48 tools from 25 programs included in the Tool Kit. They are divided according to the CHW Evaluation Framework (NCHAS, 1998) among four levels including:  I) individuals and families, II) Community Health Workers, III) program performance, and IV) community and systems change.  Also in this section are two longer tools, a Cost-Benefit Analysis Primer and the River of Program Life Exercise; these were developed especially for the Tool Kit. 

In Section four, eight diverse CHW programs, as case studies, are selected to better understand how program evaluation in CHW programs is conducted and how it influences the sustainability of CHW services. 

Section five offers general guidelines for writing proposals and reports and developing materials commonly found in grant proposals.

Section six includes a comprehensive bibliography, references, and resources for Community Health Worker training and evaluation as well as a glossary of evaluation terms.


The University of Arizona Rural Health Office and College of Public Health (1998) Community Health Worker Evaluation Tool Kit.