Digital metrics for federal agencies

This webpage from provides a four part guide for analysing and using social media metrics in order to ensure improved service delivery and customer engagement. While the guide is aimed at US government agencies, its lessons can easily be adapted for any organisation that wishes to use social media as a way of connecting with its audience.


The webpage provides "a set of recommended, baseline social media metrics, developed and maintained by an interagency working group of the Federal Social Media Community of Practice. The purpose is to establish a common, yet customizable approach to analyzing social data using the most cost-effective methods available. It provides a framework for agencies to measure the value and impact of social media in addressing agency mission and program goals. The aim is to move beyond obscure results of social media activities towards more sophisticated and more accurate assessments, leading to better informed decision-making." ( 2013)


  • Part 1: Social Media Metrics and Social Data: Why They Matter
  • Part 2: How to Use the Metrics
  • Part 3: Baseline Social Media Metrics, by Category
  • Part 4: Resources, Training, and How to Provide Feedback

Sources (2013). Digital metrics for federal agencies. Retrieved from