Evaluation of the Aboriginal Research pilot program (Canada)

"The program had two main objectives: to facilitate research on a range of policy-related issues that are of concern to Canada's Aboriginal peoples, including urban issues, economic development, the environment, education, research ethics, intellectual and cultural property, and languages and cultures; and to build up the capacity of the humanities and social science community to operate within, and to benefit from, an approach to Aboriginal research that fosters leadership among Aboriginal scholars and respectful research partnerships involving both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal interests and perspectives...The purpose of the evaluation reported here is to provide appropriate, timely and useful information to facilitate upcoming discussions about the renewal of the program"


  • Introduction: the program and its evaluation context
  • Program profile
  • Evaluation strategy
  • Evaluation questions
  • Data sources, collection and analysis procedures
  • Findings - program design and processes, outcomes, and continued relevance of the Aboriginal Research Pilot Program
  • Conclusions and recommendations
  • Appendix 1: Evaluation advisory committee members
  • Appendix 2: Data collection instruments
  • Appendix 3: Case reports
  • Appendix 4: Members of the panel of knowledge keepers


Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2008) Evaluation of the Aboriginal Research Pilot Program. Retrieved from http://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/about-au_sujet/publications/arpp_evaluation_e.pdf

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