Gender, climate change and community based adaptation

This guidebook from the UNDP is aimed at providing support for the design and implementation of gender sensitive community based adaptation programs.

"By providing simple tools and practical advice on how to take a gender-sensitive approach to planning and implementing adaptation projects and programmes regardless of context, it would be a useful reference for any development practitioners or policymakers working in this field. Multiple frameworks and tools are presented as avenues for monitoring or evaluating climate change adaptation programs through the gender lense." (UNDP, 2010)


  • Gender approach to development
  • Climate change and adaptation
  • Gender, vulnerability, climate change, and disasters
  • Gender dimensions of climate change adaptation
  • Preliminary lessons learned

Specific methods mentioned

  • Gender mainstreaming – p. 21-25
  • Gender analysis matrix framework  - p. 25
  • Capabilities and vulnerabilities Analysis framework – p. 25
  • Moser Framework – p. 25
  • Vulnerability Reduction Assessment  p. 31


United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 2010, Gender, Climate Change and Community Based Adaptation Guidebook, UNDP, New York. Retrieved from