ICPSR is an international consortium made up of over 700 academic institutions and research organizations.
It maintains an archive of digital research data, containing more than 500,000 files, as well as offering a range of educational activities related to quantitative methodology and a wide range of resources related to the archiving of data and data curation.
The archive can be browsed by topic classifications, thesaurus, or thematic collection. Topics include:
- Census Enumerations: Historical and Contemporary Population Characteristics
- Community and Urban Studies
- Conflict, Aggression, Violence, Wars
- Economic Behavior and Attitudes
- Education
- Elites and Leadership
- Geography and Environment
- Government Structures, Policies, and Capabilities
- Health Care and Facilities
- Instructional Packages
- International Systems: Linkages, Relationships, and Events
- Legal Systems
- Legislative and Deliberative Bodies
- Mass Political Behavior and Attitudes
- Organizational Behavior
- Social Indicators
- Social Institutions and Behavior
- Replication Datasets (more info)
- External Data Resources
The ICPSR also has a collection of tools and services for the curation and processing of data. These include tools for the confidentiality of data, including a web-based program to anonymize qualitative data, tools for the enclave of and services to conduct security reviews of restricted-use data, data processing and dissemination tools.

Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (n.d.). University of Michigan. Retrieved from https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/web/pages/ (retrieved July 2020)
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