This mid-term evaluation report from USAID, provides an overview and analysis of its Kenya Civil Society Strengthening Program (KCSSP) which aims to strengthen the capacity of CSO's in a number of key areas.
"Specifically, the main objectives of the KCSSP evaluation were:
- Assess the quality of performance of KCSSP to date against the program’s objectives and results;
- Address the impact of the KCSSP on selected sub-grantees in each of the three target areas of D&G, conflict management and peace building, and NRM;
- Assess the degree to which gender issues are addressed within the KCSSP and provide recommendations on how to more effectively mainstream gender programming;
- Examine the monitoring, evaluation, research and learning component of the program, and provide suggestions for more effective data collection and use by the program and USAID;
- Provide suggestions on how best to incorporate the program benefits within local organizations once the program ends in 2012; and
- Provide clear lessons and recommendations for how to proceed through the end of the program.
This report reviews the performance and progress the KCSSP has achieved to date and provides a practical set of lessons learned and recommendations for enhancing the program in the remaining three years with emphasis on examining an exit strategy that will maximize sustainability and impact." (USAID 2010)
- Evaluation Purpose and Methodology
- KCSSP Overview
- Major Findings
- Lessons Learned
- Conclusions and Recommendations
- Appendices
Specific methods mentioned
- Stakeholder Interview Protocol – Appendix D, p. 8-10 (Appendices)
- Program Logic – Appendix F, p. 12 (Appendices)
United States Agency for International Development (USAID), (2010). Mid-term evaluation of the Kenya civil society strengthening program. Retrieved from Development & Training Services, Inc. (dTS) website: