Monitoring and evaluation of capacity-building interventions in the health sector in developing countries

This guide from Measure Evaluation outlines the concepts of capacity building, evaluates the strengths and limitations of current methods of measuring capacity and provides a design for a capacity measuring approach to M & E.

"The purpose of this guide is to assist health planners and evaluators to:

  • gain a clear understanding of the concepts of capacity and capacity building
  • critically evaluate the strengths and limitations of current approaches to capacity measurement
  • design a capacity-building M&E plan that outlines a systematic approach to measuring capacity and assessing the results of capacity-building interventions in the health sector " (LaFond & Brown, 2003)


  • Concepts, Definitions, and Attributes of Capacity and Capacity Building
  • Understanding the Role of Capacity in the Health Sector: Introducing a Conceptual Framework
  • Monitoring and Evaluating Capacity-Building Interventions
  • Summary Checklist: Steps for Designing a Capacity-Building M&E Plan Checklist: Steps in Designing a Capacity-Building M&E Plan

Specific methods mentioned

  • Conceptual frameworks – p. 15-17, 32
  • Capacity Mapping – p. 32-41
  • Extensive Table of tools with links – p. 61-64:


LaFond, A., & Brown, L. Carolina Population Center, (2003). A guide to monitoring and evaluation of capacity-building interventions in the health sector in developing countries (MEASURE Evaluation Manual Series, No. 7.). Retrieved from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill website:

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