This paper, written by Jan van Ongevalle and Christine Carabain for NCDO looks at the action research conducted by four Dutch organisations active in promoting global citizenship analysing the effectiveness of their programs. Several different methods were tested, including Most Significant Change, Kelly’s Repertory Grid Analysis, focus group discussions and participative observation.
"The study was initiated by NCDO and was conducted between early 2013 and mid-2014. Its results show that the use of these methods in the four selected cases has indeed led to greater depth of knowledge concerning the effects, both intended and unexpected, of the interventions. The methods encouraged more real-time monitoring of effects, whereupon timely adjustments could be made. Moreover, the use of qualitative research methods allowed greater input from project staff and target groups with regard to the effects of an intervention. This greatly enhanced engagement and motivation and contributed to a better understanding of the effects of the projects and of the intervention logic on which those projects were based. However, this study also revealed that the use of qualitative research methods was rather demanding for the project teams, who may not have the necessary expertise and experience in collecting and analysing a large volume of qualitative monitoring data."
- Global citizenship: what is it and how can we learn more about the effects of global citizenship interventions? 8
- The concept of global citizenship 8
- Monitoring and evaluation of global citizenship interventions: a complex undertaking 10
- Methodology 13
- Action research based on the ‘action learning’ cycle 13
- Participants 15
- The research process 17
- Collective research questions 19
- Limitation of the action research approach 19
- Results 21
- NoordBaak – Mondiaal Mondig programme 21
- Woorden daad : the ‘Wees erliejk’ campaign 27
- Humanity House - ‘the journey of discovery ’ 33
- Your Bricks 39
- Conclusions 46
- To what extent does the use of qualitative research methods help to strengthen the monitoring and evaluation of interventions designed to promote global citizenship? 46
- To what extent does the use of qualitative research methods strengthen the learning culture and learning ability of organisations concerned with global citizenship? 49
- Recommendations 51
- Recommendations for organisations involved in promoting global citizenship 51
- Recommendations for funding agencies 53
van Ongevalle, J., and Carabain, C., (2014). More or less global citizenship? When measuring becomes learning, NCDO. Retrieved from: