Multi-criteria analysis: a manual

Aimed at providing guidance for Government Officials and other evaluation practitioners this manual provides an overview of techniques which do not necessarily rely on monetary valuations, namely the Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA).

It complements guidance on techniques which primarily use monetary valuations, namely financial analysis, cost effectiveness analysis (CEA), and cost-benefit analysis (CBA) by explaining how to undertake and make the best use of multi-criteria analysis for the appraisal of options for policy and other decisions, including but not limited to those having implications for the environment.


  1. The scope and objectives of this manual
  2. Appraisal and evaluation in government
  3. Monetary-based techniques
  4. An overview of multi-criteria analysis techniques
  5. Decisions without weights: construction of a performance matrix
  6. Multi-criteria decision analysis
  7. Case studies
  8. Appendices


Department for Communities and Local Government (2009). Multi-criteria analysis: a manual. Communities and Local Government Publications, London. Retrieved from

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