This report from the Uganda Bureau of Statistics and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) analyses the incidence of poverty across Uganda between 1992 and 2002 to provide a picture of the changes that have taken place in the incidence, depth and distribution of inequality.
"The analysis makes use of information from the 2002 Population and Housing Census and the 2002/03 Uganda National Household Survey (UNHS). It refines a methodology called ‘small area estimation’ to provide, for the first time, poverty maps showing welfare levels down to sub-county level." (Emwanu, Okiira Okwi, Hoogeveen, Kristjanson & Henninger, 2007)
- Monetary indicators of well-being and poverty lines
- Poverty incidence or headcount index
- Poverty density measure
- Poverty gap measure
- The inequality measure, Gini coefficient
- Poverty and inequality in Uganda in 2002
- Poverty in rural and urban areas, 2002
- Summary of poverty estimates by region, 2002
- Changes in poverty in 1992–2002: Key results
- Comparing Expenditure-based metrics of Poverty with a Qualitative Measure Deprivation
- Comparing Expenditure-based metrics of Poverty and unsafe Drinking Water sources
Emwanu, T., Okiira Okwi, P., Hoogeveen, J. G., Kristjanson, P., & Henninger, N. Uganda Bureau of Statistics and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), (2007). Nature, distribution and evolution of poverty and inequality in Uganda. Retrieved from website: documents/ILRI Poverty Report 2007.pdf
'Nature, distribution and evolution of poverty and inequality in Uganda' is referenced in: