Practical tips on how to strengthen national evaluation systems

This report from the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) is designed to support staff by providing strategies and tips for strengthening national evaluation capacity development systems.


  • Framework for Understanding NECD
  • Definitions and terminology
  • How a national M&E system can improve government performance
  • Building blocks for developing a national evaluation (or M&E) system
  • Good Practices in Building National M&E Systems
  • The importance of understanding the country context
  • Making the link to results-oriented management practices
  • Clarifying the range of uses and opportunities for M&E information
  • A national integrated M&E framework
  • Key components of the NES infrastructure
  • The main actors in-country in NECD – their roles and responsibilities
  • How Can the International Community Best Support NECD?
  • Interdependence of country/donor actions
  • How UN agencies can best support NECD
  • The new global reality
  • A framework for identifying potential UN initiatives in support of NECD
  • Dos and Don’ts – factors that have advanced or have inhibited progress on NECD


United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG), Task Force on National Evaluation Capacity Development. (2012). National evaluation capacity development: Practical tips on how to strengthen national evaluation systems. Retrieved from website: