This book, authored by Stephanie Evergreen, outlines a step-by-step process for enhancing the presentation of data in reports to increase its effectiveness.
"Written in an easy, accessible manner, Presenting Data Effectively provides guiding principles for designing data presentations so that they are more likely to be heard, remembered, and used. The guidance in the book stems from the author’s extensive study of research reporting, a solid review of the literature in graphic design and related fields, and the input of a panel of graphic design experts. Those concepts are then translated into language relevant to students, researchers, evaluators, and non-profit workers—anyone in a position to have to report on data to an outside audience. The book guides the reader through design choices related to four primary areas: graphics, type, color, and arrangement. As a result, readers can present data more effectively, with the clarity and professionalism that best represents their work." (Evergreen, 2014)
- The Justification for Presenting Data Effectively
- Graphics
- Type
- Color
- Arrangement
- A Short Last Word on Presenting Data Effectively
This book is available for purchase from Sage Publishing
Evergreen, S. (2014). Presenting data effectively: Communicating your findings for maximum impact. Sage Publications. Retrieved from