Purposeful program theory: Effective use of theories of change and logic models

This book, by Sue Funnell and Patricia Rogers, discusses ways of developing, representing and using programme theory and theories of change in different ways to suit the particular situation.

It discusses how to address complicated and complex aspects of programmes in terms of: focus; governance; consistency; 
necessariness; sufficiency; and change trajectory.

Extracts of this book can be viewed online through Google Books and the first two chapters can be downloaded for free through Amazon.


Introduction: The promise and risks of using program theory.
  • PART ONE Key ideas in program theory.
    • Chapter 1: The essence of program theory.
    • Chapter 2: Variations of program theory over time.
    • Chapter 3: Common myths and traps.
  • PART TWO Assessing your circumstances.
    • Chapter 4: Scoping intended uses.
    • Chapter 5: The nature of the situation and the intervention.
  • PART THREE Developing and representing program theory.
    • Chapter 6: Processes to identify or develop a program theory.
    • Chapter 7: Developing a theory of change.
    • Chapter 8: Developing a theory of action.
    • Chapter 9: Representing program theory.
    • Chapter 10: Critiquing program theory.
  • PART FOUR Resources for developing program theory.
    • Chapter 11: Some research-based theories of change.
    • Chapter 12: Some common program archetypes.
    • Chapter 13: Logic models resources.
  • PART FIVE Using program theory for monitoring and evaluation.
    • Chapter 14: Developing a monitoring and evaluation plan.
    • Chapter 15: Causal inference.
    • Chapter 16: Synthesis and reporting.


Funnell, S.C. and Rogers, P. J. (2011) Purposeful program theory: effective use of theories of change and logic models.  San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/Wiley. Can be purchased through http://au.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0470478578.html

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