The role of collective action in securing property rights for the poor: A case study in Jambi province, Indonesia

This short paper summarises the results of a case study analysing the role of collective action in securing property right for the poor in two Indonesian villages. It presents a participatory action research (PAR) approach to analyzing decentralized forestry and natural resource management and land property rights issues, and collective action among villages and district governments.


"This study concludes that action research may be an effective strategy for fostering collective action and maintaining the learning process that leads groups to be more organized and cohesive, and district government officials to be more receptive to stakeholders."

- The Role of Collective Action in  Securing Property Rights for the Poor:  A Case Study in Jambi Province, Indonesia p2


Komarudin H, l. Siagian Y, Pierce Colfer C, 2008. The Role of Collective Action in  Securing Property Rights for the Poor:  A Case Study in Jambi Province, Indonesia, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). Retrieved from