A short animated video highlighting how systems thinking can be used in program evaluation to maximize program effectiveness, produced by Chris Lovato, Beverly Parsons, and Kylie Hutchinson.
This resource and the following information was contributed by Kylie Hutchinson
Authors and their affiliation
Chris Lovato, School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia
Bev Parsons, InSites
Kylie Hutchinson, Community Solutions Planning & Evaluation
Key features
A short video example of how systems thinking can be used in program evaluation to maximise
program effectiveness.
How have you used or intend on using this resource?
We developed this video as a supplemental resource for our mobile learning course ('Evaluation For Leaders' - evaluationforleaders.org). We wanted to create something brief that explained how systems thinking relates to evaluation in simple way.
Why would you recommend it to other people?
It’s an engaging video using a real-life example.
Lovato, C, Parsons, B, and Hutchinson, K (2014), Systems Thinking: A Way to Maximize Program Effectiveness. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vojPksdbtI