This example documents the objectives, scope of work, evaluation questions, composition of review team and the timeline of the evaluation of a program designed to address the underlying issues that contribute to vulnerabilities such as a lack of participation, social injustice, and discrimination that hold people back from realizing their full potential in leading healthy and productive lives, as well as the availability, access, utilization and stability issues that lead to food insecurity.
- Introduction
- Objectives
- Scope of work
- Evaluation questions
- Composition of review team
- Timeline
- Point of contact
- Deliverables
- Terms and conditions of TOR for consultancy
- Necessary documents
- The general terms and conditions
- CARE vendor profile
CARE Bangladesh Procurement Department (2012). Terms of Reference of MTR of USAID PL 480 Title II CARE MYAP/SHOUHARDO II Program. Retrieved from
'Terms of Reference for Mid-Term Review of USAID CARE MYAP/SHOUHARDO Program' is referenced in: