Transcribing your own qualitative data

This toolkit deals with transcribing your own, or your team’s, data. If you are considering sending your data to somebody else or an external transcribing agency, see the toolkit on outsourcing transcribing.

Transcribing your own data takes a long time and it is a task that often seems to pop up in your To Do list at a time when your enthusiasm for your project is at a low ebb. The aim of this toolkit is to help you plan properly for transcribing, and save you time by helping you do your transcribing more efficiently. 


  • Introduction
  • Project planning
  • Recording tips
  • Equipment and software
  • Working comfortable and staying sane!
  • Formatting tips
    • Adding line numbers
    • Save as... Rich text
    • Find and replace for anonymising data
    • Find and replace for correcting common words
    • Highlighting text for anonymising later
    • Using heading styles


Burke, H, Jenkins, L, Higham, V., (2010) Transcribing your own qualitative data. Realities Toolkit # 08, ESRC National Centre For Research Options, University of Manchester, Retrieved from

Realities, University of Manchester.