Utilization-Focused Evaluation for Agricultural Innovation

Drawn from Michael Quinn Patton's book Utilization-focused evaluation, this paper introduces this approach to evaluation, outlines key steps in the evaluation process, identifies some of the main benefits of Utilization-Focused Evaluation (UFE), and provides two examples of UFE in the context of programmes aimed at promoting agricultural innovation.


"Utilization-focused evaluation (UFE) is based on the principle that an evaluation should be judged by its utility. So no matter how technically sound and methodologically elegant, an evaluation is not truly a good evaluation unless the findings are used. UFE is a framework for enhancing the likelihood that evaluation findings will be used and lessons will be learnt from the evaluation process." Patton 2009 p1


  • Introduction
  • Steps in the UFE process
  • Benefits of UFE
  • Examples of UFE in agricultural research


Patton, M.Q. and Horton, D. 2009. Utilization-Focused Evaluation for Agricultural Innovation ILAC Brief No. 22. ILAC, Bioversity, Rome. Retrieved from http://purl.umn.edu/52533

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