Western Cape Department of Human Settlements departmental evaluation plan

This document from the Western Cape Government sets out a 3-year Department Evaluation Plan (DEP) of evaluations for the Department of Human Settlements.

The stated aims of the DEP are to:

  • create a shared understanding of the purpose of the evaluation,
  • foster transparency amongst stakeholders and decision-makers,
  • serve as an advocacy tool for evaluation resources, and
  • facilitate evaluation capacity building amongst partners and stakeholders

The DEP sets out its purpose, explains linkages to provincial evaluation plans and planning, explains the departmental evaluation system, reports on departmental evaluations and research underway, explains the criteria and process used to select evaluations, and sets out detailed concepts for five planned evaluations, as well as discussing key implementation issues.

Funding for the evaluations has been made available in the Department's Annual Procurement Plan, and the plan shows how this will be allocated across the evaluations.

The plan includes the process for follow-up to the evaluations:

"The Department will ensure that evaluations are used to improve performance and service delivery. All evaluations, where required, will have improvement plans which implementation thereof will be monitored constantly and consistently. The process of signing off involves a number of steps such as getting an official management response to the recommendations before an improvement plan is drawn up, developing of the Management Improvement Plan and have it officially signed off by the HOD (the Accounting Officer) for implementation. Progress reports on the implementation of the improvement plans compiled on a specific template will be expected from the relevant programme managers on agreed upon times."


Wester Cape Government, Department of Human Settlement. (2022). Western Cape Department of Human Settlements departmental evaluation plan. South Africa. Retrieved from https://www.westerncape.gov.za/assets/departments/human-settlements/docs/dhs-evaluation-plan-2022-2025.pdf

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