This independent evaluation conducted by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) of the World Bank, assesses the impact and effectiveness of strategies and assistance programs implemented by the World Bank Group in low-income fragile and conflict-affected states.
"While Bank strategies in FCS have been relevant in the early stages of post-conflict reconstruction, they have generally not been designed appropriately for medium- and long term development. The Bank is most responsive to FCS in the immediate aftermath of conflict. Relevance of the Bank’s medium- term strategy has been lower because of a lack of adequate strategic underpinning and focus. The need for selectivity and strategic sequencing, while important for all countries, is particularly critical in FCS because of the severe limitations in state capacity. In practice the distinction between the Interim Strategy Note (ISN) and the CAS has been blurred with prolonged use of ISNs over several strategy cycles and much longer duration than prescribed in the policy. Lack of realism and selectivity in most FCS country strategies evaluated has resulted in lower outcome ratings for CAS Completion Reports. " (IEG, 2013)
- Introduction and methodology 1
- World Bank Group country assistance strategies in fcs
- Bank group portfolio and performance 25
- Bank support for building state capacity 36
- Bank support for building capacity of citizens 52
- Promoting inclusive growth and jobs 66
- Tackling gender disparities in FCS 84
- Bank group inputs and processes 95
- Aid flows and donor coordination 111
- Conclusions and recommendations 124
Independent Evaluation Group, The World Bank Group (2013), World Bank Group Assistance to Low-Income Fragile and Conflict-Affected States. Retrieved from