As part of the Global Evaluation Initiative’s (GEI’s) efforts to strengthen the capacities of policymakers, evaluators, and other monitoring and evaluation (M&E) professionals, GEI is pleased to launch a new global directory of academic training in evaluation. This first-of-its-kind global directory is free to use and is hosted on GEI’s BetterEvaluation knowledge platform.
Helping to strengthen national M&E systems is a fundamental part of GEI’s mission. For national M&E systems to work effectively, trained policymakers, evaluation professionals and other specialists are needed to support the development and use of these systems. The demand for M&E practitioners with up-to-date skills and knowledge continues to grow. This Global Directory of Academic Programs in Evaluation has been designed to provide easily accessible information about academic programs in evaluation to prospective students and other interested parties worldwide.
Specifically, the directory aims to serve the following audiences:
Prospective students seeking to gain competencies and skills in evaluation.
Staff from public and private (for-profit and non-profit) seeking to strengthen their evaluation capabilities.
Evaluation education program administrators and academic staff looking to learn from their peers and foster knowledge sharing and collaboration.
Representatives from Voluntary Organizations for Professional Evaluation (VOPEs) hoping to disseminate information about evaluation learning opportunities to their membership.
Researchers, evaluation scholars and other parties interested in the scope and diversity of academic training opportunities in evaluation.
Evaluation champions and other parties wishing to contribute to the development of the field and practice of evaluation.
The database was developed collaboratively between the Claremont Graduate University / School of Social Science, Policy & Evaluation and GEI and provides information about academic programs in evaluation in different regions and countries worldwide.
The directory will be updated periodically. Evaluation education program leaders are invited to contact the GEI with updated or new information.