A kit of tools for participatory research and evaluation with children, young people and adults

This tool kit, developed by Save the Children Norway, provides a range of methods and tools that can be used by groups that work with children to encourage participation in research and evaluation.

While developed for conflict, post-conflict and peace-building situations, these child-friendly tools can be applied and adapted to any context.


"Children and young people aged 10-18 years old from diverse backgrounds (including children from urban, rural and IDP camp backgrounds; children from different ethnic, religious and caste groups; school going and working children; formerly abducted child soldiers; child mothers; and a smaller number of children with disabilities) have been actively involved as advisers, peer researchers, documenters and advocates during the thematic evaluation. Children younger than 10 years have also been involved as active respondents. Experience has shown that these tools work well in different socio-cultural political settings among children from diverse backgrounds. Many of these tools also work well with younger children (6 - 14 years)" (Save the Children 2008)


  • Phase I: Outreach Consultations:
  • Phase IIa: Exploring Children’s Diverse Experience and Ideas
  • Phase IIb: Strengthening Capacity and Action Planning towards a Vision
  • Phase III: Ensuring a Focus on Quality
  • Appendix 1: Information Sheet on Formative Dialogue Research
  • Appendix 2: Ice-breakers and Energizers
  • Appendix 3: Checklist for children and young people for analysing and documenting the information collected


Save the Children Norway. (2008). A Kit of Tools for Participatory Research and Evaluation with children, young people and adults. Retrieved from: https://resourcecentre.savethechildren.net/document/kit-tools-participatory-research-and-evaluation-children-young-people-and-adults-compilation/

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