This guide, written by Sara Gibbs, Gillian Mann and Nicola Mathers, outlines the Child-to-Child (CtC) approach to health and community development that is led by children.
It describes the step-by-step process for implementing CtC and includes a range of tools and techniques for evaluation.
"Some of the intended results of the CtC approach:
- Children feel more able to tackle community problems
- Children feel better about themselves
- Children work better in groups
- Children know more about their chosen issue
- Children and adults communicate more openly with one another
- Children being more likely to speak out about issues of concern to them
- Children know more about resources and services that exist in their community
- The community being more open to listening and involving children
- Family and community respecting children’s ideas and capabilities" (Gibbs, Mann & Mathers 2002)
- Child-to-Child (CtC): What is it? 1
- Who is this Manual For? 3
- History of CtC 6
- Pillars of CtC 7
- Facilitation of CtC 10
- Overview of the 6 Steps of CtC 13
- Step 1: Group Work 17
- Step 2: Our ideas 22
- Step 3: Choose an Issue 26
- Step 4: Find Out More 32
- Step 5: Plan and Take Action 39
- Step 6: Think it Over 44
- What If’s… 49
- Tough Questions to ask Yourself 53
- Setting up a CtC Project 55
- Tools and Techniques for Evaluation 58
- Evaluation Tools 60
- Reflection Tools 68
- Games 71
- Reading List and Additional Resources 83
- Sample Lesson Plans 85
Gibbs S, Mann G, Mathers N. (2002) Child-to-Child A Practical Guide. Retrieved from:
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