
  • Evaluation executive summaries & reports

    This blog by Stephanie Evergreen curates a number of examples of engaging executive summaries and evaluation reports. The focus is on highlighting effective visual design of these reporting formats.
  • Designing the face-to-face survey

    This chapter by W. Lawrence Neuman gives a detailed overview to collection of questionnaire data through a face-to-face survey method.
  • Question and questionnaire design

    This chapter Jon A. Krosnick and Stanley Presser presents a number of recommendations about survey design based on conventional wisdom and a review of the methodological literature.
  • Designing quality survey questions

    Designing Quality Survey Questions addresses challenges such as language preferences for standard demographic questions (e.g.
  • 52 weeks of BetterEvaluation: Week 23: Tips for delivering negative results

  • Checklist for straightforward evaluation reports

    This checklist by Kelly N. Robertson and Lori Wingate provides suggestions for the content and organization of long-form evaluation reports that are concise, easy to understand, and easy to navigate.
  • Household vulnerability and resilience to economic shocks

    This project into Household Vulnerability and Resilience to Economic Shocks, a collaboration between RMIT University, Oxfam Australia, Deakin University and the University of the South Pacific, gives a good example of the way tha
  • Designing Surveys: A Guide to Decisions and Procedures

    'Designing Surveys: A Guide to Decisions and Procedures' is an excellent resource for both academics and professionals who are conducting small to moderate sized surveys.
  • What makes a popular science video on YouTube

    This article by Dustin Welbourne and Will J Grant in The Conversation discusses ways to make a video about science popular and effective in its communication, highlighting a number of key features that are demonstrated through embedded exam
  • Lessons learned using online survey software

    This blog post from Susan Kristler provides on overview of the various strengths and weaknesses of using online survey software.
  • Week 15: Fitting reporting methods to evaluation findings – and audiences

    This week we're sharing some ideas from Rakesh Mohan on ways of making evaluation reports more interesting. 
  • BetterEvaluation FAQ: How do you go about analyzing data that has been collected from respondents via a questionnaire?

    In this edition of the BE FAQ blog, we address a question that comes up quite often: How do you go about analysing data that has been collected from respondents via a questionnaire?
  • Toonlet

    This web-based application makes it possible to draw cartoons, by creating characters and then placing them into the panels of a cartoon with appropriate text.
  • Infographics

    An infographic (short for 'information graphic') represents data visually so that the information is able to be quickly and easily understood.
  • Mail questionnaire

    Questionnaires can be mailed out to a sample of the population, enabling the researcher to connect with a wide range of people.
  • Internet questionnaire

    An internet questionnaire allows the collection of data through an electronic set of questions that are posted on the web. 
  • Cartoons

    Cartoon images can be used by evaluators to an understanding of program impact, scenes of program implementation, main findings or issues.
  • Graphic recording

    Graphic recording is the translation of conversations into images and text on large sheets of paper during meetings and events.
  • Collecting evaluation data: Surveys

    This concise guide, prepared by Ellen Taylor-Powell and Carol Hermann for the University of Wisconsin Extension, offers a useful introduction to telephone-specific and broader survey design approaches.
  • Surveys in social research

    This sixth edition of Surveys In Social Research by David de Vaus provides detailed guidance and advice on planning, conducting and analysing social surveys and emphasises the links between theory and research,
  • Web-based surveys

    This website from the Journal of Extension (JOE) provides a guide to the purpose and use of web-based surveys.
  • Reporting style guide template

    This style guide template is designed to ensure consistency in formatting across various project documents, including evaluation plans, reports, and presentations.
  • A short primer on innovative evaluation reporting

    This book by Kylie Hutchinson presents a number of innovative ways of reporting, including different methods for presentations, narrative summaries, presenting findings visually and making use of digital outputs.