
  • OPM's approach to assessing value for money

    A clear and well-informed guide to evaluating value for money which addresses important issues including the limitations of using indicators epsecially for complex interventions, and the need to address unintended impacts and complicated ca
  • Decision making matrix - Word template

    A decision making matrix can be useful to summarise decision makers and types of decisions in a matrix which can be referred to when developing and implementing evaluation processes.
  • L’évaluation en contexte de développement

    Ce manuel est destiné aux personnes souhaitant s’initier à l’évaluation de programmes, en particulier en contexte de développement et de coopération internationale. À cet égard, tout en déroulant le fil d’une démarche évaluative classique, il présente…
  • Internet questionnaire

    An internet questionnaire allows the collection of data through an electronic set of questions that are posted on the web. 