
  • Participatory video and the most significant change. A guide for facilitators

    The toolkit is designed to support you in planning and carrying out evaluations using participatory video (PV) with the most significant change (MSC) technique, or PVMSC for short.
  • Developmental evaluation: Diagnostic checklist

    This checklist aims to help users assess whether Developmental Evaluation is a good fit for your situation.
  • Action and reflection: a guide for monitoring and evaluating participatory research

    This paper from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) was designed to support those involved in participatory research and development projects with monitoring and evaluation strat
  • Week 50: Feedback loops – new buzzword, old practice?

    Recently, I had the good fortune to start collaboration with The MasterCard Foundation, which is strongly committed to what it calls ‘listening deeply and elevating voices’.
  • Participation not for you? Four reflections that might just change your mind

    ​​​This month we start a series on participation in evaluation by Leslie Groves and Irene Guijt. This blog series aims to explore one simple question: How can we best open up evaluation processes to include those intended to benefit from a specific
  • Positioning participation on the power spectrum

    In the second blog in the 4-part series about participation in evaluation, Irene Guijt and Leslie Groves focus on making power relationships and values in 'participatory' evaluation processes explicit to avoid tokenistic part
  • Choices about voices

    In this third blog in the participation in evaluation series, Irene Guijt and Leslie Groves share frameworks to approach and make decisions about the level of stakeholder involvement during different evaluation stages.
  • Still Hesitating? Let's bust some myths around increasing stakeholder participation in evaluation

    In the final blog in the 4-part series, Leslie Groves and Irene Guijt address some of the most common forms of resistance to increasing levels of participation in evaluation.
  • What does it mean to ‘un-box’ evaluation?

    This guest blog by Jade Maloney is the first in a series about un-boxing evaluation – the theme of aes19 in Sydney, Australia.
  • Institutional history

    An institutional history (IH) is a narrative that records key points about how institutional arrangements – new ways of working – have evolved over time and have created and contributed to more effective ways to achieve project or programme
  • L’évaluation en contexte de développement

    Ce manuel est destiné aux personnes souhaitant s’initier à l’évaluation de programmes, en particulier en contexte de développement et de coopération internationale. À cet égard, tout en déroulant le fil d’une démarche évaluative classique, il présente…
  • Evaluation report checklist

    This checklist was developed by drawing upon and reflecting on The Program Evaluation Standards which were created for the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation, 1994.  
  • Evaluation contract checklist

    This checklist is designed to help evaluators and clients identify key contractual issues that require agreement before an evaluation can commence.
  • Evaluation plans and operations checklist

    This checklist from the Evaluation Checklists Project provides a guide to those interested in conducting a preliminary, formative metaevaluation.
  • Data party

    A data party is a time-limited event of several hours where diverse stakeholders come together to collectively analyse data that have been collected.
  • CIPP evaluation model checklist

    Stufflebeam provides an explanation of what CIPP is, and a checklist designed to help evaluators evaluate programs with relatively long-term goals.
  • A report on the mini-participatory learning and action (PLA) exercise in Zambia

    This report is a concise summary of research evaluating the suitability and availability of reproductive health services for youth in Zambia using the Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) approach. 
  • Information request checklist

    This resource is a checklist designed to guide evaluators when starting a new project, ensuring they gather essential information to support their evaluation efforts.
  • Evaluation request for proposals (RFP) checklist

    This resource provides a checklist to ensure that your Request for Proposals (RFP) for evaluation services yields high-quality submissions.
  • Scott G. Chaplowe - M&E resource list

    Scott Chaplowe's resource page has over 150 hyper-linked resources for monitoring and evaluation, all of which are freely available online. There's a particular focus on M&E communities and organisations.