
  • Preparing For GDPR / What's next with GDPR?

    Organised by DevResults in partnership with Sonjara and SurveyCTO, this recorded panel discussion took place on May 23rd, 2018, two days before the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect.
  • GDPR: Tips and tools

    This toolkit gathers together some useful resources that organisations can use to help guide their data protection practices.
  • Measuring what matters (a thinking tool)

    Measuring what matters is a decision-support tool. It helps users select data collection methods based on:
  • Decision making matrix - Word template

    A decision making matrix can be useful to summarise decision makers and types of decisions in a matrix which can be referred to when developing and implementing evaluation processes.
  • I'm doing an impact evaluation: What evidence do I need? (#AES17 presentation slides)

    Are quantitative or qualitative methods better for undertaking impact evaluations? What about true experiments?
  • Formal meeting processes

    Studies have demonstrated that attendance at meetings and conferences, planning discussions within the project related to use of the program evaluation, and participation in data collection foster feelings of evaluation involvement among st