
155 results

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  • Theory of change thinking in practice - A stepwise approach

    This guide builds on work of HIVOS' experimentation with and learning about Theory of Change (ToC), including the work of its Theory of Change Learning Group (established 2010).
  • The hidden life of theories of change

    One common criticism of Theory of Change is that it is often used as a framework that fixes agreements rather than as a living, guiding tool that helps reflection and adaptation.
  • Partnership Indicators: Measuring the effectiveness of multi-sector approaches to service provision

    This paper provides considerations for the creation of partnership indicators for tri-partite partnerships (private sector, public sector and civil society/NGOs) in water and sanitation provision for poor communities in developing countries
  • Global peace index

    The Global Peace Index, an initiative of Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), provides a ranking for each nation in regards to their peacefulness.
  • Qualitative comparative analysis: A valuable approach to add to the evaluator’s ‘toolbox’? Lessons from recent applications

    Based on the lessons from three diverse applications of Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), this Centre for Development Impact Practice Paper by Florian Schatz and Katharina Welle reflects on the potential of this approach for the
  • Building a common outcome framework to measure nonprofit performance

    This guide from the Urban Institute outlines core indicators for 14 categories of not for profit organisations and then provides a common framework that can be used by all nonprofit programmes.
  • Better ways of choosing and using metrics in evaluation of impact investing

    We invited Mishkah Jakoet shares some thoughts on how metrics can be more useful for impact investing.
  • Objectives-Based Evaluation (OBE) for impact investing

    Bob Picciotto is a former Director General of the Independent Evaluation Group which oversees evaluation in the International Finance Corporation, an agency dedicated to the promotion of private sector development in developi
  • Week 20: A língua dominante em avaliação é o inglês?

    Infelizmente acredito que sim.
  • Practical guide for engaging stakeholders in developing evaluation questions

    This guide from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation was designed to support evaluators engage their stakeholders in the evaluation process.
  • Evaluation question examples: Evaluation at country level, regional level, sector or thematic global evaluation

    This document contains example questions, many of which are drawn from country, regional, sector or thematic global evaluations undertaken by the Evaluation Unit.
  • Evaluation questions: IPDET Handbook

    This module from the International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET) outlines the process for creating and using different types of evaluation questions for a variety of purposes.
  • Developing process evaluation questions

    This concise guide by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines evaluation questions and outlines the process needed to develop them. 
  • Evaluation questions

    This site provides a step-by-step guide on how to identify appropriate questions for an evaluation.
  • Multiple lines and levels of evidence

    Multiple lines and levels of evidence (MLLE) is a systematic approach to causal inference that involves bringing together different types of evidence (lines of evidence) and considering the strength of the evidence in terms of different ind
  • Journals and logs

    Journals and logs are forms of record-keeping tools that can be used to capture information about activities, results, conditions, or personal perspectives on how change occurred over a period of time.
  • The role of research in pro-poor dairy policy shift in Kenya

    This working paper forms part of the International Livestock Research Institute’s (ILRI’s) and Overseas Development Institute’s (ODI’s) ‘Process and Partnership fo
  • Integrity

    Integrity refers to ensuring honesty, transparency, and adherence to ethical behaviour by all those involved in the evaluation process.
  • Cultural competency

    Cultural competency involves ensuring that evaluators have the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary to work respectfully and safely in cultural contexts different from their own.
  • Feasibility

    Feasibility refers to ensuring that an evaluation can be realistically and effectively implemented, considering factors such as practicality, resource use, and responsiveness to the programme's context, including factors such as culture and
  • Inclusion of diverse perspectives

    Inclusion of diverse perspectives requires attention to ensure that marginalised people and communities are adequately engaged in the evaluation.
  • Independence

    Independence can include organisational independence, where an evaluator or evaluation team can independently set a work plan and finalise reports without undue interference, and behavioural independence, where evaluators can conduct and re
  • Evaluation accountability

    Evaluation accountability relates to processes in place to ensure the evaluation is carried out transparently and to a high-quality standard.
  • Transferability

    Transferability involves presenting findings in a way that they can be applied in other contexts or settings, considering the local culture and context to enhance the utility and reach of evaluation insights.
  • Utility

    Utility standards are intended to increase the extent to which program stakeholders find evaluation processes and products valuable in meeting their needs.
  • Professionalism

    Professionalism within evaluation is largely understood in terms of high levels of competence and ethical practice.
  • Propriety

    Propriety refers to ensuring that an evaluation will be conducted legally, ethically, and with due regard for the welfare of those involved in it and those affected by its results.
  • Systematic inquiry

    Systematic inquiry involves thorough, methodical, contextually relevant and empirical inquiry into evaluation questions. Systematic inquiry is one of the guiding principles of the American Evaluation Association:
  • Transparency

    Transparency refers to the evaluation processes and conclusions being able to be scrutinised.
  • Ethical practice

    Ethical practice in evaluation can be understood in terms of designing and conducting an evaluation to minimise any potential for harm and to maximise the value of the evaluation.
  • Accuracy

    Accuracy refers to the correctness of the evidence and conclusions in an evaluation. It may have an implication of precision.
  • Accessibility

    Accessibility of evaluation products includes consideration of the format and access options for reports, including plain language, inclusive print design, material in multiple languages, and material in alternative formats (such as online,