
  • Australian Data Archive

    The Australian Data Archive provides facilities for collecting and archiving digital research data, which are then made available to secondary users and researchers.
  • UK Data Archive

    The UK Data Archive is the UK's largest collection of digital research data in the social sciences and humanities.
  • Considerations for using data responsibly at USAID

    The aim of this resource is to provide a framework for identifying and understanding risks associated with the collection and use of data.
  • Knight lab - storytelling tools

    This suite of tools is useful for creating highly interactive, beautiful representations of data.
  • Data value map

    The purpose of the Data Value Map is to spark new conversations and new thinking about how data initiatives can add value to an organisation. 
  • Canva

    Canva is a very simple, free to use, online infographic creation platform. It has a drag and drop interface and a range of templates that you can adapt.
  • Discussion Paper: Innovations in Monitoring and Evaluation

    This discussion paper produced by the United Nations Development Programme discusses various innovations that are occurring in M&E, and the advantages and disadvantages of these methods.
  • Some nuts and bolts questions about coding

    This guest blog by Helen Marshall springs from discussions of the Qualitative Interest Group (QIG) that Helen coordinates. QIG meets monthly in Melbourne Australia to discuss issues around researching with qualitative data.&n
  • Responsible data stewardship

    This report from the Open Data Institute discusses key concepts including ‘data stewardship’, ‘data ethics’, ‘data justice’ ‘data for good’ ‘responsible data’, ‘data sovereignty’, ‘Indigenous data sovereignty’, and ‘data feminism’.
  • Data cleaning 101

    This paper from the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School outlines a step-by-step process for verifying that data values are correct or, at the very least, conform to a set of rules through the use of a data cleaning process.
  • Coding part 2: Thematic coding

    This video tutorial from Graham H Gibbs (2010) provides an overview of thematic coding and examples to demostrate how it is done and how codes can be applied to the data.
  • Coding part 1: Alan Bryman's 4 stages of qualitative analysis

    In this web video, Graham R Gibbs provides an overview of qualitative analysis based on Alan Bryman's four stages of analysis.
  • Analysing qualitative data using Microsoft Word

    In this slide show, Jenna Condie, who is presenting a Qualitative Methods in Psychology (QMiP) workshop, explains how Word supports detailed coding, including developing detailed definitions of the codes and tracking comments and emerging i
  • Using Word & Excel to analyze qualitative data with Seth Tucker

    Extracting meaningful findings from qualitative data requires an evaluator to have the right tools to able to organize, code, and immerse themselves in the data.
  • The art of coding with NVivo

    During this virtual workshop, Dr. Penna presented how NVivo, qualitative data analysis software is used to code data, document the data analysis process, and present a visual presentation of the results to increase credibility. 
  • Qualitative research & evaluation methods: Integrating theory and practice

    The fourth edition of Michael Quinn Patton's Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods Integrating Theory and Practice, published by Sage Publications, analyses and provides clear guidance and advice for usi
  • Thematic coding

    Thematic coding is a form of qualitative analysis that involves recording or identifying passages of text or images that are linked by a common theme or idea allowing you to index the text into categories and therefore establish a “framewor
  • Health data system practices and its role in monitoring and evaluation: Diagnostic report of Punjab (Pakistan) hepatitis control program data systems

    This report presents a comprehensive assessment and enhancement plan for the Health Information Management Systems (HIMS) in Punjab, Pakistan focusing specifically on hepatitis control as a case study.