This guide, edited by Jo Boyden and Judith Ennew for Save theĀ Children Sweden, provides detailed guidance on conducting participatory field research on the situation of children in societies. Ā The overall aim is to provide data that can be used to develop child focused programs and advocacy.
- Children in Focus 9
- Participation 33
- What is childhood? 59
- Children in development programs 67
- What is wrong with conventional research?
- The background to all methods 83
- Classroom-based learning about participatory, child-focused research methods 97
- Filed based learning 155
- What to do with the data 167
- Future activities in applied research with children 183
Boyden, Jo and JudithĀ EnnewĀ (Eds.). Save the Children Sweden (1997). Children in Focus ā A Manual for Participatory Research with Children. Stockholm:Ā RaddaĀ Barnen. retrieved from:Ā