Conducting and using evaluability assessments in CGIAR

This resource forms part of CGIAR's evaluation guidelines, describing how to use evaluability assessments to facilitate better evaluation outcomes.

They can be adapted by like-minded organizations conducting research for development (R4D).

The guidelines present the background of evaluability assessment, including why to conduct one, what and when to assess, and who should commission and conduct them. Detailed instructions and helpful appendices (such as a Terms of Reference guide) are provided to guide the reader through the process.

"Rigorous, independent, external evaluations are foundational to efforts of funders and implementers to inform the design of interventions, provide actionable evidence to support management and governance decisions, and ensure a high level of accountability to donors. Meeting this potential, however, requires advanced planning and appropriate evaluative inputs. ‘Evaluability’ is one of 15 standards and principles of the CGIAR's Evaluation Framework – a reference point for professionalism within research-for-development evaluation that underpins how evaluation is conducted in CGIAR."


Independent Advisory and Evaluation Service (IAES). (2022). CGIAR Evaluation Guidelines. Conducting and Using Evaluability Assessments within CGIAR. Rome: Independent Advisory and Evaluation Service.

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