The DAC Quality Standards for Development Evaluation have been developed to provide guidance for good practice in development evaluation.
Developed through a process of drafting, trialling and reviewing by members of the OECD DAC Network on Development Evaluation, the document sets out standards in terms of: overarching considerations; purpose, planning and design; implementation and reporting; and follow-up, use and learning.
The document is also available French, German (PDF, 2.1MB), Korean (PDF, 2.6MB), Portuguese (PDF, 782KB), Spanish (PDF, 1.3MB).
Français: Normes de qualité pour l’évaluation du développement
- 1.1 Development evaluation
- 1.2 Free and open evaluation process
- 1.3 Evaluation ethics
- 1.4 Partnership approach
- 1.5 Co-ordination and alignment
- 1.6 Capacity development
- 1.7 Quality control
- 2.1 Rationale and purpose of the evaluation
- 2.2 Specific objectives of the evaluation
- 2.3 Evaluation object and scope
- 2.4 Evaluability
- 2.5 Stakeholder involvement
- 2.6 Systematic consideration of joint evaluation
- 2.7 Evaluation questions
- 2.8 Selection and application of evaluation criteria
- 2.9 Selection of approach and methodology
- 2.10 Resources
- 2.11 Governance and management structures
- 2.12 Document defining purpose and expectations
- 3.1 Evaluation team
- 3.2 Independence of evaluators vis-à-vis stakeholders
- 3.3 Consultation and protection of stakeholders
- 3.4 Implementation of evaluation within allotted time and budget
- 3.5 Evaluation report
- 3.6 Clarity and representativeness of summary
- 3.7 Context of the development intervention
- 3.8 Intervention logic
- 3.9 Validity and reliability of information sources
- 3.10 Explanation of the methodology used
- 3.11 Clarity of analysis
- 3.12 Evaluation questions answered
- 3.13 Acknowledgement of changes and limitations of the evaluation
- 3.14 Acknowledgement of disagreements within the evaluation team
- 3.15 Incorporation of stakeholders’ comments
- 4.1 Timeliness, relevance and use of the evaluation
- 4.2 Systematic response to and follow-up on recommendations
- 4.3 Dissemination
OECD DAC (2010) DAC Guidelines and Reference Series. Quality Standards for Development Evaluation, Evaluation Network of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Retrieved from
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