Development of a coexistive evaluation model for Landcare Queensland

This paper, written by Kate Roberts, describes the use of a Coexistive evaluation model to design and implement an evaluation of Landcare Queensland.

The model used a participative approach to stakeholder involvement in data collection and analysis and aims to preserve the perspectives of all stakeholders in the Landcare project. 


"The model allows stakeholders to progress their own vision of Landcare in parallel with the visions of others. The model encourages coexistance by raising awareness of difference and ensuring that the difference is preserved; each stakeholder is allowed to nominate what they want from an evaluation of Landcare and then to interpret their data from the evaluation." (Roberts, 1998)


  • Methods overview 6
    • Techniques used to develop the model of evaluation   6
      • Interviews 7
      • Participant observation 7
      • Questionnaires 7
      • Iteration   8
      • Review of the literature 8
      • Action learning   9
  • A coexistive model of evaluation of Landcare: methods in detail 9
    • Phase 1. Planning 10
      • Step 1. Identify Stakeholders 12
      • Step 2. Develop Evaluation Content and Collection Methods 12
    • Phase 2: data collection and distribution 15
      • Step 3. Collect Data 16
      • Step 4. Compile and Collate Evaluation Data   17
      • Step 5. Return Complied Data to Participants   17
    • Phase 3: interpretation 18
      • Step 6. Stakeholders Use Their Methods of Evaluation and Perspectives to Interpret the Data 19
      • Step 7. Negotiate Effects of Interpretation 19
  • Improvements to the coexistive model 20
    • Awareness 20
    • Inclusivity 20
    • Level of participation   21
    • Training   21
    • Project evaluation criteria and data  21
  • Administering the model   21
  • 1996 Landcare evaluation questionnaire: results summary   28


Roberts, K., (1998). Development of a Coexistive Evaluation Model for Landcare Queensland. Retrieved from: (archived link)