Field guide for evaluation

This guide from Pact provides detailed guidance on each part of the evaluation process.

The guide is designed in a set of modules that include examples, resources and exercises to ensure a complete understanding of all facets of an evaluation.  

A slide show that can be used to support the presentation of the module can be also downloaded above.


"Each chapter’s learning objectives and exercises relate to sections of Pact’s evaluation protocol, and each chapter builds on the previous one. By the end of the module, if you have worked your way through the exercises, you should have a comprehensive, written plan for your evaluation—that is, a full terms of reference (TOR). In addition, a TOR template can be found in Appendix 1 (page 90). The shaded boxes that introduce and give an overview of each chapter refer to relevant sections of this template.

The closing pages of each chapter link you to the wealth of further resources available on the Internet. I encourage all practitioners to use these resources to keep your knowledge of evaluation up to date and growing, in order to deepen your practice and bring your increasing skills to the programs serving the communities we care about." (Pact, 2014)


  • Chapter 1: What Is Evaluation 11
  • Chapter 2: Evaluation Purpose and Questions 19
  • Chapter 3: Overview of Evaluation Design and Methods 29
  • Chapter 4: Data Sources and Collection Methods 40
  • Chapter 5: Sampling 50
  • Chapter 6: Basic Data Analysis 59
  • Chapter 7: Using and Communicating the Results 67
  • Chapter 8: Managing the Evaluation 75
  • Appendix 1: Evaluation Terms of Reference Template 90


Pact, (2014), Field Guide for Evaluation

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