Guide to gender integration and analysis

This guide from USAID is designed to support staff in the implementation of gender into program planning and design. 

The guide aims to support the "strengthening [of] women’s rights and strive to increase the contributions women make to economic, political, and social development. By addressing gender inequities and constraints grounded in entrenched gender roles and power dynamics that impact both men and women, USAID [aims to] strengthen the effectiveness of its development programming. This is not only the right thing to do; it is “smart development.”" (USAID, 2010)

It includes links to a range of policy documents and guides from USAID to support gender equity. 


  • What Is Gender?
  • What Are the ADS Requirements for Integrating Gender Throughout the Planning and Programming Cycle?
  • Long-Term Planning
  • Project and Activity Planning
  • Performance Indicators
  • What Is Gender Analysis?
  • Components of a Gender Analysis


USAID, (2010). Guide to gender integration and analysis. Retrieved from website: