This second guidance note from InterAction on Impact Evaluation, outlines the relationship between regular monitoring and evaluation and impact evaluation with particular reference to how M & E activities can support meaningful and valid impact evaluation.
Included with the paper are links to the following webinars and slideshows:
- Webinar #1: Linking Monitoring and Evaluation to Impact Evaluation, with Burt Perrin: Webinar recording | Webinar slides (PDF, 684KB) | Webinar Q&A
- Webinar #2: NGO Experiences with Linking Monitoring and Evaluation to Impact Evaluation, with Mercy Corps and Africare: Webinar recording | Mercy Corps slides (PDF, 759KB) | Africare slides (PDF, 214KB) .
- 1. How can monitoring and other forms of evaluation support impact evaluation? 2
- 1.1. Main characteristics of monitoring, evaluation, and impact evaluation 2
- 1.2. How M&E can contribute to impact evaluation 6
- 2. How to build impact evaluation into M&E thinking and practices 7
- 2.1. Articulate the theory of change 7
- 2.2. Identify priorities for undertaking impact evaluation 10
- 2.3. Identify information/data needs 10
- 2.4. Start with what you have 13
- 2.5. Design and implement the impact evaluation, analyze and interpret the findings 14
- 2.6. Use the findings 15
- 2.7. Review, reflect, and update 15
- 3. Engaging all parts of the organization 16
- 3.1. M&E: A core management function requiring senior management leadership and support 16
- 3.2. An active role for program staff is required
Perrin, B. InterAction, (2012). Linking monitoring and evaluation to impact evaluation (Impact Evaluation Notes No. 2.). Retrieved from website:
Originally sourced from Monitoring and Evaluation NEWS
' Linking monitoring and evaluation to impact evaluation' is referenced in: