7: Managing threats to evaluation and data analysis

This presentation, titled Managing threats to evaluation and data analysis talks about potential problems that can arise while undertaking impact measurement and analysis. It directs participants on how to identify these problems and how to avoid them.

This is the seventh in a series of lectures produced by the Poverty Action Lab and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The resource provides the user with a video of the lecture presented by Michael Kremer and includes the lecture slides.


  • I. Attrition
  • II. Externalities
  • III. Partial Compliance and Sample Selection Bias


Kremer M (2009) 7. Managing Threats to Evaluation and Data Analysis, Abdul Latif Jameel,  Poverty Action Lab Executive Training: Evaluating Social Programs Lecture Notes,  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Retrieved from https://live-qa.ocw.mit.edu/courses/res-14-001-abdul-latif-jameel-poverty-action-lab-executive-training-evaluating-social-programs-2009-spring-2009/resources/7-managing-threats-to-evaluation-and-data-analysis/

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) https://ocw.mit.edu/

Poverty Action Lab (PAL) http://www.povertyactionlab.org/



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