From seed to scale-up: Lessons learned from Australia’s rural development assistance

This report from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT, formerly AusAID), reviews Australia's rural development assistance program highlighting the success of the program in improving the lives of the rural poor who are its focus.

This report provides a good example using Headings as Summary Statements.


  • Rural development trends globally
  • Australia’s contribution to ODA for rural development
  • What is meant by ‘rural development’?
  • Analytical framework
  • Countries and initiatives selected for review
  • Options used
  • Clearly identify strategic intent
  • Start with a considered understanding of how the poor will benefit from the intervention
  • Focus on development outcomes first, modality second and partnering organisations third
  • Locate initiatives to maximise influence and minimise capture
  • Respond to context change with flexible implementation
  • Balance public and private benefits to optimise results
  • Engage in policy dialogue and influence public expenditure decisions
  • Confidently influence multilateral and co-financing partners
  • Undertake multiple functions and engage multiple players
  • Research is one possible part of change for rural development
  • Land systems are central to rural development but complex to reform
  • Take new directions from learning and change


Fargher, J., & Kelly, D. AusAID, Office of Development Effectiveness. (2012). From seed to scale-up: Lessons learned from australia’s rural development assistance. Retrieved from website:

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